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Social Media Examiner

  • How to Create Facebook Video Ads People Will Watch

    How to Create Facebook Video Ads People Will Watch

    Want more people to watch your video ads? Wondering how to create video ads that look like native, organic content? In this article, you’ll learn how to create Facebook video ads that feel like organic news feed posts. To find out how to create Fac…
    - 30 Mar 21, 6:00am -
  • How Marketers Can Respond to Apple’s iOS 14 Privacy Update

    How Marketers Can Respond to Apple’s iOS 14 Privacy Update

    Do your customers use iPhones? Wondering how you should alter your marketing based on the new Apple privacy updates? In this article, you’ll discover six tips to adjust your marketing activities in response to the data tracking permissions changes…
    - 29 Mar 21, 6:00am -
  • LinkedIn Video Strategy: Getting More Exposure on LinkedIn

    LinkedIn Video Strategy: Getting More Exposure on LinkedIn

    Want to use LinkedIn video to position yourself as an expert? Wondering what kind of video content to produce? In this article, you’ll learn how to build your expertise using three types of video on LinkedIn. Why Consider LinkedIn Video? When most…
    - 25 Mar 21, 6:00am -
  • YouTube Analytics: How to Use Data to Inform Your Future Videos

    YouTube Analytics: How to Use Data to Inform Your Future Videos

    Want more engagement, leads, and sales from your YouTube videos? Wondering how to use data to create high-performing videos? In this article, you’ll learn how to use YouTube analytics to identify successful videos you can model for similar results.…
    - 24 Mar 21, 6:00am -
  • Facebook Ad Testing on a Budget: A Proven Method

    Facebook Ad Testing on a Budget: A Proven Method

    Looking for a process to test Facebook ads? Wondering how to test Facebook ads without blowing your ad spend? In this article, you’ll discover a proven Facebook ad testing method designed for small budgets and discover which metrics will help you i…
    - 23 Mar 21, 6:00am -

Convince and Convert

  • A Quick Guide to 7 Key Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

    A Quick Guide to 7 Key Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

    Maximize your email efforts by tracking these metrics and making adjustments as needed.With the growing number of customer and client interactions online, building and nurturing an email list is extremely important. But — it’s only the beginn…
    - 20 Nov 23, 4:41pm -
  • How to Choose an Email Newsletter Service

    How to Choose an Email Newsletter Service

    Email was invented in 1971, and since then, it has completely changed how we communicate with people we know and those we may not know in person. With the introduction of social media in 1997 and the rapid rise and evolution of these channels, it w…
    - 31 Oct 23, 9:11am -
  • An Introduction to Forever Funnels

    An Introduction to Forever Funnels

    Imagine sending emails to your list that offer value, increase engagement, and strengthen brand awareness at regular intervals without creating new content for each email — for an unlimited amount of time. Oh! And it’s all done automatically.…
    - 30 Oct 23, 11:11am -
  • 9 Signs It’s Time to Switch Email Services

    9 Signs It’s Time to Switch Email Services

    How to tell if you’ve outgrown your current provider.When it comes to email marketing, the time-tested age-old saying rings true:Your emails are only as good as the service provider sending them.*OK, this isn’t really a time-tested age-old…
    - 27 Oct 23, 12:54pm -
  • Get Into the Spirit with Free Holiday GIFs and Images

    Get Into the Spirit with Free Holiday GIFs and Images

    Have a little fun this holiday season with millions of free stock images and GIFs to add to your emails.Adding fun new images and GIFs is a simple and easy way to bring the holidays into your email marketing. And the best part is that you can qui…
    - 5 Oct 23, 1:04pm -

Social Media Explorer

  • A Quick Guide to 7 Key Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

    A Quick Guide to 7 Key Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

    Maximize your email efforts by tracking these metrics and making adjustments as needed.With the growing number of customer and client interactions online, building and nurturing an email list is extremely important. But — it’s only the beginn…
    - 20 Nov 23, 4:41pm -
  • How to Choose an Email Newsletter Service

    How to Choose an Email Newsletter Service

    Email was invented in 1971, and since then, it has completely changed how we communicate with people we know and those we may not know in person. With the introduction of social media in 1997 and the rapid rise and evolution of these channels, it w…
    - 31 Oct 23, 9:11am -
  • An Introduction to Forever Funnels

    An Introduction to Forever Funnels

    Imagine sending emails to your list that offer value, increase engagement, and strengthen brand awareness at regular intervals without creating new content for each email — for an unlimited amount of time. Oh! And it’s all done automatically.…
    - 30 Oct 23, 11:11am -
  • 9 Signs It’s Time to Switch Email Services

    9 Signs It’s Time to Switch Email Services

    How to tell if you’ve outgrown your current provider.When it comes to email marketing, the time-tested age-old saying rings true:Your emails are only as good as the service provider sending them.*OK, this isn’t really a time-tested age-old…
    - 27 Oct 23, 12:54pm -
  • Get Into the Spirit with Free Holiday GIFs and Images

    Get Into the Spirit with Free Holiday GIFs and Images

    Have a little fun this holiday season with millions of free stock images and GIFs to add to your emails.Adding fun new images and GIFs is a simple and easy way to bring the holidays into your email marketing. And the best part is that you can qui…
    - 5 Oct 23, 1:04pm -

Pro Blogger

  • Mastering Engaging Opening Lines: 11 Creative Strategies to Hook Your Readers

    Mastering Engaging Opening Lines: 11 Creative Strategies to Hook Your Readers

    The post Mastering Engaging Opening Lines: 11 Creative Strategies to Hook Your Readers appeared first on ProBlogger.My wife’s first words to me were… ‘Hi Michael, it’s nice to meet you’ …which was both funny and memorable since my name…
    - 29 days ago, 27 Jun 24, 7:47am -
  • 8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze

    8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze

    The post 8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze appeared first on ProBlogger.Titles change the destiny of your posts. Those few words at the beginning of your blog post can be the difference between the post being…
    - 36 days ago, 20 Jun 24, 2:39am -
  • How to Choose a Topic for Your Next Blog Post

    How to Choose a Topic for Your Next Blog Post

    The post How to Choose a Topic for Your Next Blog Post appeared first on ProBlogger.Choosing the right topic to write about on your blog is vital if you want to write a post that engages your reader. Rushing the choice of topic can set you off in t…
    - 43 days ago, 13 Jun 24, 4:31am -
  • How to Approach Influencers in Your Niche: Twelve Crucial Tips

    How to Approach Influencers in Your Niche: Twelve Crucial Tips

    The post How to Approach Influencers in Your Niche: Twelve Crucial Tips appeared first on ProBlogger.Do you want to connect with influencers in your niche? Most bloggers do. But many of them go about it the wrong way. Forming relationships with inf…
    - 50 days ago, 6 Jun 24, 4:18am -
  • 8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

    8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

    The post 8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer appeared first on ProBlogger.Whatever you want to achieve by blogging – money, a fully-fledged business, recognition in your field, a creative outlet, or sharing your message with the world – y…
    - 57 days ago, 30 May 24, 5:33am -

Chris Brogan

  • Chris Brogan and Kerry O’Shea Gorgone Release the $BKPK Cryptocurrency to Support the Backpack Show

    Chris Brogan and Kerry O’Shea Gorgone Release the $BKPK Cryptocurrency to Support the Backpack Show

    The other day, Kerry O’Shea Gorgone and I launched a new cryptocurrency called the Backpack Show Coin (or just $BKPK, if you want to be like the cool kids). It’s built by a company called Rally and was part of a project they launched called Creat…
    - 2 May 21, 10:14am -
  • 37 Interview Questions You Could Ask a Podcast Guest

    37 Interview Questions You Could Ask a Podcast Guest

    I had an interesting experience the other day that has me laughing and a bit befuddled. A guy wanted to interview me for his show, and then canceled saying that he couldn’t come up with a few questions to ask me. It’s obviously quite the insult,…
    - 23 Feb 21, 4:54pm -
  • My 3 Words for 2021

    My 3 Words for 2021

    Thank BUDDHA that it’s 2021! Since 2006, I’ve been recommending that people choose 3 words to guide their actions and choices over the year to come. You’ve shared with me 14 years of your experiences with more to come, I want to share with you…
    - 1 Jan 21, 4:30am -
  • How the Beast is Us – by Chloë Forbes-Kindlen

    How the Beast is Us – by Chloë Forbes-Kindlen

    This post comes from a conversation with Chloë Forbes-Kindlen, where we ended up talking about the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. She said that the part she hates the most about that movie is that the Beast transforms into a normal human at the…
    - 26 Oct 20, 8:02pm -
  • Company Culture at a Distance

    Company Culture at a Distance

    To build a strong company culture for all employees challenges leaders when working from home (WFH) becomes the norm. Most leaders say that “corporate culture” ranks very high up on their list of priorities, but if I looked at 100 managers’ bud…
    - 19 Jul 20, 10:42am -

Social Fresh

Logic + Emotion

  • Goodbye Logic+Emotion, Hello Armano Design Group

    Goodbye Logic+Emotion, Hello Armano Design Group

    The world has changed much since 2006, and a recent Pandemic has accelerated decades of change and transformation in less than two years. We're only just at the beginning.
    - 15 Jul 21, 8:46am -
  • The Mentor / Mentee Value Exchange

    The Mentor / Mentee Value Exchange

    For the past five years or so, I have been informally mentoring people. I’m happy to report that some of the earliest are ridiculously successful and I still keep in touch. I’m also a mentee to a few people I look up to. Here’s what I’ve lear…
    - 16 Jun 21, 1:34pm -
  • Six Thoughts On Career Transition

    Six Thoughts On Career Transition

    The fact is, some version of career transition, reinvention, reframing, or transformation comes for all of us — or we come for it. Either way, it’s a learning experience.
    - 6 Jun 21, 12:25pm -
  • A Year of Personal Disruption

    A Year of Personal Disruption

    On an evening in March (you know, the night), I knew something had changed significantly but, like many others, couldn't see past the fog of shock. At the time, I was watching in real-time as the NBA canceled games, the...
    - 31 Dec 20, 11:54am -
  • An Open Letter To My Younger Self

    An Open Letter To My Younger Self

    Hi, it's me. You don't know me, but in time you will. I have the benefit of time and experience on my side and wanted to share some thoughts with you if you're willing to listen. If you receive this,...
    - 6 Oct 20, 1:11pm -

Brian Solis

Social Media Today

Chris Pirillo


  • ANNOUNCEMENT and Why the Tesla Humanoid Robot Matters
    Irena Cronin and I are seeing huge shifts coming as autonomous vehicles get to the point where they are driving around San Francisco without humans. We recently started comparing notes and we are seeing the same trends.  So, today we are announcing…
    - 29 Sep 22, 9:11am -
  • The First Tour of Giant AI’s Robot Lab
    Visiting Giant AI is like getting a tour of a secret lab that shouldn’t exist run by an eccentric genius. The kind of which we remember from “Back to the Future.” Adrian Kaehler is that genius.  He built the computer vision system for the firs…
    - 28 Jun 22, 5:38am -
  • When will augmented reality glasses be ready for consumers?
    Unfortunately it has taken a lot longer to get augmented reality glasses to consumers than I expected. A lot longer. I thought we would be wearing them all day by now. Heck, when I got Google Glass years ago I thought I never would take those off. Bo…
    - 31 May 22, 6:18pm -
  • As blind honor Apple accessibility pioneer my son shows far more work is ahead
    It didn’t shock me that MojoVision (a Silicon Valley startup making augmented reality contact lenses) brought a big percentage of their team and had a table right in the middle of Sight Tech’s event honoring Mike Shebanek for his work on Apple’…
    - 28 Mar 22, 2:38pm -
  • Future proof your playlists with these HUGE Dolby Atmos music lists
    UPDATE August 27, 2022. I’ve been focusing only on Apple lately. Amazon’s user experience really sucks for people trying to curate massive playlists and it’s just too difficult to keep all my lists synched. My Apple lists are here: https://musi…
    - 24 Feb 22, 3:29pm -